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About The NI Sports Forum

The Northern Ireland Sports Forum was originally established in 1955 as the Northern Ireland Council of Physical Recreation and in 1997 was renamed the Northern Ireland Sports Forum. We exist to promote amateur sport and physical recreation, which results in improved physical and mental health.

The Sports Forum is a voluntary association whose membership consists of 70+ Full Members, 20+ Associate Members and 14 Individual Members with an interest in sport and physical recreation.

We are the recognised umbrella organisation for the voluntary sector of sport in Northern Ireland and act as the “Independent Voice of Voluntary Sport in Northern Ireland”.

Our membership encompasses organisations from the major spectator sports such as rugby, football and golf, through to judo and swimming, right across the sector to yoga and outdoor recreation. Our full members are Governing Bodies who represent 

  • Northern Ireland Bodies – Canoe Association NI, Netball NI, NI Judo Federation etc.
  • Ulster Branches of All-Ireland Organisations – Ulster Hockey, Ulster GAA, Ulster Badminton, Ulster Rugby etc.
  • All-Ireland Bodies – Horse Sport Ireland, Gymnastics Ireland, Irish Indoor Bowling Association etc.
  • Regional Sections of British Bodies – British Gymnastics NI, RYA NI

In fact, there are few recognised sporting activities which do not have affiliations to the Sports Forum, with member organisations drawn from right across the sector. Through our members we can reach stakeholders at all levels from sports clubs to volunteers benefiting approximately 480,000 individuals. 

Our Purpose

To guide, support and empower our members in their role to govern and promote sport and physical activity in Northern Ireland.

We are represented on

  • Home Countries Sports Associations
  • Sports Resolutions UK
  • Belfast Telegraph Sports Awards
  • Developing Governance Group
  • Sport Matters Monitoring and Implementation Groups
  • Safeguarding Children in Sport Strategic Group
  • Active Living No Limit’s Forum
  • Secretariat to the All Party Group on Sport & Physical Recreation at the NI Assembly
  • by invitation, appoints representatives to committees and other bodies.


The Central Council of Physical Recreation (CCPR) was formed in London in 1935. Its executive work was extended to Northern Ireland in 1949 and in 1955 a Northern Ireland Section was formed.

The staff, assets, goodwill and executive work of the CCPR (NI) were transferred to Sport NI in 1974.

The Northern Ireland Section of the CCPR became The Northern Ireland Council of Physical Recreation (NICPR) and continued in existence,following the transfer of its assets, to provide for a democratic organisation available for consultative purposes and capable of representing independently the common interests of voluntary sports organisations.

In 1997 the NICPR was renamed the Northern Ireland Sports Forum and exists to protect promote and provide for members.

Our membership encompasses activities from the major spectator sports like rugby, football and golf, through to judo and swimming, right across to yoga and fitness. In fact, there is barely a recognised sport or activity in Northern Ireland which is not affiliated to the Sports Forum, with member organisations drawn from right across the sector.


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