From Paul Stephenson, Child Protection in Sport Unit:

“Following a few calls from governing bodies & others this week I have spoken to AccessNI staff about their service standards which was 4 weeks turn around for 90% of enhanced checks. Unfortunately they are not meeting their targets and inform me that have written to all registered bodies. The following text is on their web site and they have staff working at weekends to resolve the issue. These checks as we remind people are only one aspect of safe recruitment but sports must consider this delay when planning events. I will raise delay with the NIO through the NSPCC as this increase in volume could have been predicted given the experiences of the CRB in the past”.

9 June 2008
Service Standards – Enhanced Applications
Due to the large volume of applications received and due to implementation issues, AccessNI has revised its service standards for the delivery of Enhanced disclosure certificates. The new standard is to deliver;

90% of Enhanced certificates within 6-8 weeks We would apologise to all our customers for this delay. We are working hard to resolve this and hope to return to a 4 week turnaround in Autumn 2008. In the meantime, you are urged to send applications to AccessNI as quickly as possible to reduce potential impact of this on your organisation.

5 June 2008
Insufficient Postage
We have been informed by Royal Mail that a number of items cannot be delivered to us as full postage has not been paid by the sender. Royal Mail will keep a Recorded Signed For item for one week and all other items for three weeks before being returned to the sender.

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