All Party Group for Sport and Recreation meets for new mandate

The All Party Group for Sport and Recreation met on 20th June at Parliament Buildings.  This was the first in person meeting form before the pandemic.

Representatives from over 14 sports and MLAs met to elect officers to the group and establish members for the new mandate, with presentations from the Northern Ireland Civil Service Sports Association and the Irish Football Association on the social return on investment.   There was also discussion on matters affecting sport in Northern Ireland.

Speaking about the meeting, Ashley Hunter, Chairperson of the Northern Ireland Sports Forum said;

“It was great to bring together people to engage on matters affecting sport and recreation in Northern Ireland and to highlight the positive effects activity has on the population.  It is important that this is discussed at all levels and to allow members and sports representatives to come together in this format”

The All Party Group for sport and physical recreation was first created in 2015 and has continued in its format to help and engage with local politicians and government.

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