What is Get Inspired?
Get inspired is all about encouraging people to get active and give sport a try, whether it is a session at a sports clubs, a fitness class or dance group. The BBC are offering a free platform for you to promote your activities to an extensive audience and promotion across the BBC.
During the Olympics the BBC’s ‘Things to Do’ website had over 210,000 unique hits onsport activities from people wanting to find a sports taster sessions near them. The BBC want the legacy of the games to continue to inspire people to take up sport and can help the sector by pointing people to your club or taster sessions. You can Register as a partner and upload your activities to the BBC Things To Do website and benefit from free publicity.
What kind of publicity can you expect?
The BBC have finder widgets across the BBC website including the BBC Sporthomepage, the Get Inspired homepage and a variety of news and programme pages so there is an enormous potential audience for your activities.
How to upload your activities?
Providing you are a not for profit or voluntary run organisation all you have to do is register to become a BBC Things To Do partner and add your activities to the Get Inspired project. Go to The system is easy to use and you will need a photo that successfully showcases your activities. If you don’t have a photo there is advice on how you can source one.
If you have any questions regarding Things to Do contact the team at the BBC on
What makes a good story for Get Inspired?
As well as showcasing your sporting activities to a huge audience the Get Inspired team is also on the lookout for stories that would be of interest. It might be a hockey feature which they could tie in to BBC sports coverage, a significant event you’re involved in or perhaps a well known personality visiting your club. They are also looking for compelling or unusual stories which could inspire someone else.
Check out the Get Inspired website for examples where you can also find a link if you have a story to send

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