Consultation on a new Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity

The Department for Communities has launched a new sport and physical activity strategy[1] for Northern Ireland to cover the next decade and beyond.  The new strategy builds on the successful foundations of the Sport Matters strategy which was published in 2009 and which continues to guide Government policy until the new strategy is agreed and put in place.

The new strategy is cross-Departmental in nature and focuses on linkages and shared outcomes between sport and physical activity and other cross cutting policies, including mental health and well-being, obesity, education,  social inclusion and equality.

The consultation document has been developed with input from a wide range of stakeholders using a co-design process.  The co-design process undertaken to date by the Department for Communities has included an extensive engagement exercise with key stakeholder groups and other interest groups covering  the issues, challenges and future opportunities in relation to sport and physical activity.  These views, collected through an e-survey and over 70 focus groups alongside other research and baseline data, have been analysed and have informed the consultation document which will in turn help refine the final strategy.  The consultation document is now available for your consideration and comments.

This is the final opportunity within this co-design process for stakeholders to contribute to shaping the strategic direction of sport and physical activity over the next decade and beyond.   We would encourage all those who have already taken part in one of the focus groups or who may have completed a pre-engagement e-survey to continue their engagement with us and complete the online survey.  A number of webinar sessions (see below for details) are being held to provide an overview of the consultation document, the co-design process, the key themes and goals.   We also are keen to hear from new voices as well through the completion of the online survey and attendance at a webinar.

The Department would welcome your views.  Please complete the on-line survey by 23 April 2021. It is available at Consultation on a a new Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity | Department for Communities ( An easy read version is also available at the same link.

The webinars will take place on the following dates and times.  Given the current restrictions, these will be held online via Zoom.

  • Thurs 25th March @ 3.00 pm
  • Tues 30th March @ 2.00 pm
  • Thurs 15th April @ 11.00 am
  • Mon 19th April  @ 7.00 pm

Please use this email address  if you would like to register for one of these webinars

The Department will use the results of the survey to finalise the Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity.

[1] Whereas sport is often more organised and tends to be competitive, physical activity is often informal and covers any form of activity which is intended to improve physical fitness and the health of an individual.

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