Department for Communities – Non Executive Board Member

Are you looking for an opportunity to make a significant and valuable contribution to the public sector in Northern Ireland?

Join the Board of the largest department within the Northern Ireland Civil Service.

The Department for Communities, which is directly responsible for £7 billion of public funds covering areas including social welfare, housing, and culture and leisure, is seeking a Non-Executive Member to its Management Board.

At a time of unprecedented financial and resourcing pressure, this challenging role is suited to an individual who can bring external and independent demonstrable experience and expertise.

This individual will join the Departmental Audit & Risk Assurance Committee potentially as Chair. Non-Executive Members have a significant contribution to make by providing constructive advice and challenge across all of the Board’s business, to ensure good corporate governance and provide effective strategic direction. Applications are welcome from across the community, voluntary, business or public sectors particularly from women, people with a disability, people from minority ethnic groups and young people.

Further details on the role and responsibilities, selection criteria and time commitment are available via the Department for Communities website:

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