Disability Sports NI (DSNI) have recently produced a new Training Brochure detailing a range of innovative Training Courses delivered by the organisation.

By getting involved with these courses sports organisations can provide their staff and volunteers with the knowledge and skills required to begin to include people with disabilities in their programmes and services.

There are three courses which aim to help sporting organisations create a more inclusive sports environment.

Disability Inclusion Training: Part theory and part interactive this course provides attendees with the knowledge and understanding they need to make their particular programmes, facilities and activities more inclusive of people with disabilities.  The course can be tailored for a range of audiences including National Governing Bodies, Coaches, Volunteers, Teachers/Assistants, Administration Staff, Leisure Personnel and Sports Development Officers.  The course can also have a ‘sport specific’ focus.

Inclusive Skills: This course provides teachers and leaders with the knowledge and resources required to run a series of warm up activities, core skills sessions and fun games for disabled and non-disabled children 5yrs +.  The course has been specifically designed to meet the needs of teachers and leaders with little or no sporting background as well as those with formal PE backgrounds.

Inclusive Games: This course is designed for those currently working with or planning to work with children or adults with disabilities. Through a series of practical ‘hands on’ sessions participants are provided with enough knowledge to run activity sessions in a range of inclusive games/sports in which disabled and non disabled children and adults can participate. No previous sports experience is necessary. (Games included are: Boccia, Goalball, Table Top Games,  New Age Kurling, Zone Hockey, Zone Football, Tee Rounders)

There are no entry requirements onto any of the courses.  Courses can be completed in sequence or individually and can be run in any part of Northern Ireland.

To view the Training Brochure please see the link in the download box.

For more information please contact Brendan Boyle at bboyle@dsni.co.uk or visit www.dsni.co.uk

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