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Application deadline: rolling
Trusthouse gives grants for running costs or one-off capital costs to charities and not-for-profit organisations in accordance with criteria that are regularly reviewed and decided by the Trustees. Overarching themes are Rural Issues and Urban Deprivation.
Find out more & Apply :
The Micro Grant
The Micro Grant Programme has been established in recognition and celebration of the contribution of voluntary groups and people to our society and the need for a simple application process for small amounts of funding. You do not have to have a constitution to apply to this fund. Established groups should have maximum annual income level of £30,000 with the Community Foundation having a preference for applications that are eligible for an award where annual income is less than £10k.
Grant size: Up to £1,000
Ongoing – No Deadline
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
The Causeway Coast and Glens Local Action Group (LAG) has been allocated £9.6 million budget which will be available through the Local Action Group. Funding is available for social infrastructure and social welfare projects in rural areas of The Causeway Coast and Glens. (max £180,000)
More Information & Apply:
Application deadline: rolling
Community Relations / Cultural Diversity
There are a number of changes to the 2019-20 Scheme which includes a new online application process.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss a proposal prior to submitting an application please contact a member of the Funding and Development Programme. Phone 028 9022 7500 or email
- All projects in receipt of CR/CD funding must be completed within this financial year
- Grants are up to £10K maximum and for project costs only
- Average grant is £2 – £5K
Deadline date: 17 January 2020
Small grants are available to charities and non-profit making organisations with a focus on helping disabled and disadvantaged individuals in the UK to participate in sport. About 40% has been awarded to disability programmes. The trust will only support charities or non-profit making organisations with a focus on sport.
More information:
Irish F.A & Community Foundation
The IFA through the Community Foundation are delighted to open a new Inclusive Clubs Programme. The Inclusive Clubs Programme is aimed at supporting football clubs who are developing a disability or women’s section, and who wish to encourage participation from everyone in society, particularly those most marginalised, and including the BME community, as well as those with a disability.
Size of Grant: Grants available: Up to £1,000 Find Out More & Apply
Department for Communities
The Department for Communities (DfC) has today launched this years’ Small Capital Grants Programme. The Programme, which has a total fund of £800,000, is aimed at assisting voluntary and community organisations across Northern Ireland purchase items of equipment to enhance and sustain the activities and services they provide to the community.The Programme provides grants of between £1,500 and £5,000 towards the purchase of items such as IT equipment, sporting equipment, catering equipment and material to support arts and cultural activities within the voluntary and community sector. Applications are invited from constituted organisations that have an annual income of no more than £100,000.Co-operation Ireland have been appointed to administer the Programme on behalf of the Department. Further details on how to apply are available on the Co-operation Ireland website at: Find Out More & Apply
The Rowing Foundation is a registered charity. Its purpose is to promote the participation in rowing of young people (those under 18 or still in full time education) and the disabled of all ages. The Foundation gives grants of £500-£3,000 (up to 50% of the overall cost of the project) to help organisations and clubs involved in on water elements of the sport of Rowing who are individually affiliated to British Rowing (other than via their governing body) and whose requirements may be too small or who may be otherwise ineligible for an approach to the National Lottery or other similar sources of funds.
BBC Children In Need
Small Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations applying for any amount up to and including £10,000 per year for up to 3 years. Check the information below to see if your project should apply and that you meet the minimum standards for grantmaking. More Information
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council
Community Cash in Erne East and Mid Tyrone electoral areas the Fermanagh and Omagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive are running Community Cash in the following electoral areas:
- Enniskillen
- Erne North
- Erne West
- Omagh
- West Tyrone
What is Community Cash?
- Community Cash is the name the PCSP and NIHE has given to our Participatory Budgeting initiative.
- Participatory Budgeting (PB) first developed in Brazil in the 1980’s as part of a larger effort to promote democracy following decades of military dictatorship.
- PB has grown in popularity across the world with numerous examples in Scotland.
- PB is an innovative process which enables people to have direct decision-making powers over the allocation of resources in their community in a way that is fair and transparent.
- The Fermanagh and Omagh PCSP and NIHE decided to run PB as a different way to stimulate ideas to bring people together or make their community safer.
You don’t have to be an existing group with your own constitution to apply. You just need a minimum of three people who have an idea for a project and a constituted group to sponsor your entry. Groups with a constitution are also welcome to apply. More Information
Mid & East Antrim Borough Council – Everybody Active Fund
Grants Support Scheme The scheme is open on a rolling basis, subject to the availability of budget. The aim of the scheme will be to provide financial support through various grants categories for organisers of events as well as community groups, sports clubs, arts groups in the Borough undertaking projects which are of benefit to all of the citizens of Mid and East Antrim Borough area. More Information
Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council – Leisure Grants
Leisure grants are available for qualifying groups throughout the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council area. Includes grants capital and events, as well as coaches and athletes. For a list of available grants and to apply: Antrim & Newtownabbey Funding
Ards and North Down Sports Forum Grant Programme
Sports Forum Grant Programme
The forum exists to encourage active participation in sport and leisure activities by supporting the development and sustainability of sports clubs in Ards and North Down. Ards and North Down Borough Council has allocated £30,000 in 2019-2020 for grants to be awarded by the Sports Forum to affiliated sports clubs, organisations and athletes within the borough. The grant categories are:
- travel and accommodation
- events
- coaching
- Gold Card
- equipment
- seeding
- sport club anniversary
Applying for a Sports Forum Grant: More Information / Apply
The Live Here Love Here Small Grants Scheme takes a fresh approach to improving our local environment and building a sense of pride in our local communities. Launched by Local Councils, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, McDonald’s UK, Coca-Cola and Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, the Small Grants Scheme provides support to volunteer projects that:
- Improve the health and well being of communities whilst helping to improve and/or maintain public spaces.
- Use innovative ways to reduce littering and dog fouling where you live.
- Improve the way your local environment is looked after, whether urban, rural or coastal.
- Contribute to the development of civic pride within a community with a focus on environmental improvement.
Grants are available from £500 to £5,000 and are open to volunteer and community groups, all school and third level education organisations, youth groups and sports clubs undertaking civic pride projects throughout Northern Ireland. More Information
The National Lottery Community Fund
Empowering Young People is a grants programme designed to support projects in Northern Ireland that give young people aged 8 to 25 the ability to overcome the challenges they face.
Area: Northern Ireland Suitable for: Voluntary or community organisations Funding size: £10,000 to £500,000 Application deadline: 31 March 2021 More Information
Halifax Foundation NI Halifax Foundation NI are currently open for applications to the Community Grants Programme. This programme supports charitable organisations within Northern Ireland to enable people, who are disadvantaged or with special needs, to participate actively in their communities The programme is open to registered charities with an income of less than £1 million operating in Northern Ireland.
- The average grant is currently between £3,000 – 4,000.
- Applications that are strategic in nature with a Northern Ireland wide benefit will be considered under the Special Initiative section of the Community Grant Programme.
- Income must be under £1 Million
Apply Online: Halifax Foundation NI