Go By Bike? Have Your Say…

The Department for Regional Development (DRD) has prepared a draft Bicycle Strategy for Northern Ireland which sets out, over a 25 year horizon, how it plans to make Northern Ireland a cycling community.

This Draft Strategy document outlines its’ vision for cycling in Northern Ireland and how DRD intend to achieve this vision of establishing,

“A cycling culture in Northern Ireland to give people the freedom and confidence to travel by bicycle, and where all road users can safely share space with mutual respect.”

The Draft Strategy outlines the issues which DRD and its Cross Sectoral Cycling Group consider to be key in establishing a cycling culture in Northern Ireland. DRD is seeking your views on the issues that feature in the draft document and on any other relevant issues which may not have been covered.

This ‘cycling future’ is dependent on a number of other factors, some of which are outside the remit of DRD. For example, a recognition that increased levels of bicycle use can make a positive contribution towards health, transport, environmental, economic and social objectives as well as growing the participation and talent pools from which our next generation of world class cyclists will emerge.

There is an obvious link between DRD’s vision for a cycling future and that of the Sports and Recreation sector, in that the implementation of the Bicycle Strategy, alongside that of ‘Sport Matters’ will support increased and more diverse participation in sporting activities, strengthen our club infrastructure and improve access to recreational facilities.

A number of public consultation events have already been held across Northern Ireland but there is still an opportunity to make your voice heard and to find out more about the draft proposals. Sport Northern Ireland would encourage all of those with an interest in cycling to participate in this debate and help shape ‘our cycling future’.

Public consultation events:

Portadown, 22 October 2014 (7.30pm to 9.30pm) in Portadown Town Hall, 15 Edward Street, Portadown, BT62 3LX

Belfast, 4 November 2014 (10.00am to 2.00pm) in the Radisson Blu Hotel, The Gasworks, 3 Cromac Place, Belfast BT7 2JB
There is no requirement to register in advance of the public consultation events.
A copy of the draft Bicycle Strategy can be downloaded at: http://www.drdni.gov.uk/publications-details.htm?docid=9903 or on request by e-mail to: cycling.unit@drdni.gov.uk or by phoning 028 9054 0179.

DRD is seeking responses by Friday 21 November 2014.

Contact details:
Anne Burke
Cycling Unit, Department for Regional Development
Clarence Court
10-18 Adelaide Street
Telephone: 028 9054 0179
Fax: 028 9054 0662

Minicom/ TextPhone: (028) 9054 0642
Text Relay Service: (028) 9054 0179
(prefix 18001)
Email: cycling.unit@drdni.gov.uk

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