HSC NI Foster Care is appealing for more foster carers as part of Foster Care FortnightTM , The Fostering Network’s annual celebration of foster care.
They are celebrating the incredible work of foster carers who are transforming the lives of children and young people in care by providing them with loving, stable and nurturing homes where they can develop and reach their potential.
There are children and young people in every community who need foster care. Some may need fostered for a few nights, while others need longer term care. With a shortage of foster carers children have to move from their own community, travel to school, miss out on playing with their friends after school or enjoying their hobbies.
HSC NI Foster Care need a wide range of foster carers to reflect the diversity of children and young people who need safe homes. Our HSC NI Foster Care community is made up of a rich mix of people including couples, single carers, parent and adult child who foster together, carers from ethnic minorities and carers from the LGBTQ+ community.
This #FCF22 why not consider becoming part of our foster carer community?
You will be trained, provided with financial allowances and supported every step of the way through the process.
Give a child a brighter future
Call 0800 0720 137
#HSCNIFosterCare #CouldYouFoster #FosterForYourCommunity #FCF22 #FosteringCommunities