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NI Sports Forum Members

Our current membership consists of:

Click Here for the current structure of the Sports Forum

70+ Full Members

25+ Associate Members

Netball Northern Ireland

NI Cross Community Angling

We have two membership Classes- Full Membership & Associate Membership

Full Membership of the Association shall be open to Sport NI recognised Governing Bodies of Sport and Physical Recreation in Northern Ireland or other sports governing bodies deemed appropriate by the Board.

Full membership is divided into 4 different categories.           


Cost Per Annum


Membership Numbers

Group 1


Governing Bodies with membership of more than 20,000

Group 2


Governing Bodies with membership of 10,000 – 19,999

Group 3


Governing Bodies with membership of 5,000 – 9,999

Group 4


Governing Bodies with membership of 4,999 or less

Group 5


Associate Members


Associate Membership may be considered from other organisations deemed appropriate by the Board, following receipt of appropriate application form

Our membership encompasses organisations from the major spectator sports such as rugby, football and golf, through to judo and swimming, right across the sector to yoga and outdoor recreation.

Our full members are Governing Bodies who represent 

Northern Ireland Organisations – Canoe Association NI, Netball NI, NI Judo Federation etc.

Ulster Branches of All-Ireland Organisations – Ulster Squash, Ulster GAA, Ulster Badminton, Ulster Rugby etc.

All-Ireland Organisations – Horse Sport Ireland, Gymnastics Ireland, Irish Indoor Bowling Association etc.

Regional Sections of British Organisations – British Gymnastics NI

Associate Members include organisations such as Disability Sport NI, Special Olympics Ulster, Outdoor Recreation NI, NI Commonwealth Games Council, North Down & Ards Sports Forum and others who have an interest in sport and recreation.

Applications for new membership shall be made in writing to the Executive Manager and accompanied by the following:

  • Copy of Articles of Association or Constitution
  • Governance Structure
  • Number of individuals registered with the organisation (or their clubs)
  • Relationship with other local/ international bodies

Applications for Membership by Organisations

We are constantly expanding our membership base and if you would like to be considered for membership you should include the following information in your application.

Applications for new membership shall be made in writing to the Executive Manager and accompanied by the following:

  • Copy of Articles of Association or Constitution
  • Governance Structure
  • Number of individuals registered with the organisation (or their clubs)
  • Relationship with other local/ international bodies