New series of cyber security sessions funded by The Halifax Foundation

NICVA has teamed up with industry experts The Halifax Foundation have funded new cyber security workshops to provide these tailored cyber security sessions.

This new series of Cyber security for small organisations sessions are specifically designed for our sector by NICVA and industry experts. They will focus on the particular challenges that face small voluntary and community organisations and will take a practical approach to help trustees and personnel to build cyber resilience. We are pleased that The Halifax Foundation have invested in making this essential training available to small groups for free, to help build capacity and mitigate risk in this area.

These FREE workshops are being offered in 5 locations throughout NI between December 2019 and March 2020. The sessions will include: overview of current cyber threats, risk assessment practices, practical, low cost, risk-mitigation controls  and signposting to resources and further guidance.

Issues such as email fraud, ransomware attacks and data breaches are risks for all organisations regardless of size or sector. Local playgroups or sports clubs through to international household name charities are all vulnerable. Ensuring that we keep information about the people we work with secure is a top priority. In addition, preventing fraud and complying with regulatory requirements such as GDPR are key organisational governance issues. These sessions are the perfect opportunity for you to improve your awareness of cyber security threats, get advice from experts and improve your resilience.

There are limited places available so please book today for one of the following sessions:

Belfast: 4 December 2019 in NICVA from 5-7PM

Derry City: 22 January 2020 in Holywell Diverse City Community Partnership from 6-8PM

Newry: 26 February 2020 in Ballybot House from 7-9PM

Ballymena: 4 March 2020 in All Saints Parish Centre from 7-9PM

Omagh: 25 March 2020 in Omagh Community House from 7-9PM



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