Public Consultation – Disability Sport and Active Recreation Action Plan for Northern Ireland

Sport Northern Ireland recently convened a number of stakeholders to come together to commence the development of a Disability Sport and Active Recreation Action Plan for Northern Ireland.

From this meeting a project group, chaired by Disability Action, was formed to oversee the development of a Disability Sport and Active Recreation Action Plan.  Northern Ireland Sports Forum are part of this project group. The plan will translate the aspirations of people with disabilities and relevant stakeholders into a number of achievable, strategic actions that will improve the health and wellbeing of people with disabilities through increasing opportunities in sport, leisure and active recreation.

To achieve this goal, it is vital that we collect views and opinions from you.  We intend to do this in two ways: through an online survey and through a series of face-to-face workshops to be held in September 2015.  The results of the online survey will be used to inform the issues presented at these workshops.

Please find below a link to the online survey.  We would greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to complete it.

The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete and the closing date for submission is Monday 10th August 2015.

 The more responses we receive the more valuable the results are so if you would like to share this invite with any other relevant parties please do so.

The survey is also available in alternative accessible formats on request to

Click here to start the survey 

Thank-you in advance for your input.

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