Sport Matters: The Northern Ireland Strategy for Sport and Physical Recreation 2009-19 has identified a target of “100 medals at the highest level including European, Commonwealth Games, World and Olympic levels by 2019”.
Sport Northern Ireland’s Athlete Investment Programme (AIP), formerly the Athlete Support Programme, provides financial support to enable identified talented sports people to develop to their full potential therefore contributing to the achievement of the target of 100 medals.
Governing Bodies applying to the programme must ensure that named athletes meet minimum performance standards which have previously been agreed between Sport Northern Ireland and the relevant governing body. Athletes must also demonstrate potential to progress further in their sport.
When making an investment to the governing body in respect of athletes, Sport Northern Ireland will consider the performance level of each athlete and may allocate support towards the following areas of an athlete’s competition and training plan:
• Coaching;
• Personal training and preparation costs;
• Competitions of a suitable standard;
• Sports science support;
• Sports medicine support; and
• Competition and training equipment.
Successful Governing Bodies will be required to develop a detailed performance plan for relevant named athletes for a 12-month period, providing details of key competitions and training camps, support services required and agreeing key performances indicators to be achieved in the period.
Sport Northern Ireland may also consider investing directly in individual athletes to provide assistance towards essential living costs, in particular where they demonstrate that their training and competition programme reduces their ability to meet the costs of their daily living.
In addition to financial investment, successful AIP funded athletes may also be awarded access to services at the Sports Institute for Northern Ireland (SINI) or at Performer Development Centres.
Details of how to apply are located in section 4 of the Guidance Notes (PDF 103KB). To view please click the link in the download box.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 4.00pm Friday 22 October 2010.
For further information on the Athlete Investment Programme, please contact any member of the Governing Body Unit on 028 9038 1222 or email