15th December 2022
Sports Sector facing significant challenges as a result of the cost-of-living Crisis
A recent survey by the Northern Ireland Sports Forum has shown the challenges sports clubs and organisations across Northern Ireland are facing as a result of the Energy and Cost of Living Crisis.
Since early 2022, increases in the cost of living and specifically utility costs have impacted on both domestic households and non-domestic settings. The sport and recreation sector has witnessed an adverse impact on its facilities and participation, becoming more acute as we move into the winter with the need for more activities and training to take place under the likes of floodlights or indoors at a time of continued inflationary pressures.
The NI Sports Forum launched an online survey to assess the current challenges faced by members from across a range of sports in Northern Ireland, evaluating how these challenges have progressed since the summer. Overall income streams were also being impacted as many clubs rely on fundraising to keep running. Some clubs have seen this reduce substantially and one reporting a key fundraiser reducing by over half.
The survey revealed a number of adverse impacts outside of the increased costs for heating and electric. Nearly half of clubs completing the survey had noticed a drop in membership / participation already, with some highlighting youth and costs to parents being acutely affected. Nearly 70% believed participation would drop further.
Volunteering remains an area of concern with costs in petrol and diesel limiting journeys key volunteers may be able to take, including coaching and refereeing.
Richard Honeyford, Executive Manager of the NI Sport Forum said,
“The feedback from across sporting clubs is very concerning with many having to limit their offering as we move into the darker evenings because they are unable to facilitate activities due to growing cost of heating premises or floodlighting.
“This could have a long-term impact on participation as we risk losing participants who may not return in a sector that is still recovering from the impact of the Pandemic. There is also a significant risk of some smaller clubs having to close their doors due to the growing cost of operating and the impact this will have on young people and the local communities these clubs support could have long-term repercussions.
“It is vital that we support our sport and recreation sector during this challenging period to ensure clubs who have been part of local communities for decades and provide significant benefits to so many young people are not forced to close their doors permanently.”
The timeframe spanned a period when the UK Government announced a series of measures
to help both domestic and non-domestic settings, however the impact of this remains unknown until first bills are received.
See full survey report and findings here