The draft ‘The Northern Ireland Strategy for Sport and Physical Recreation, 2001 – 2017’ was recently published for consultation.
As part of that process the NI Sports Forum hosted a Governing Bodies consultation event on the Strategy on Thursday 29 November 2007 in Lisburn.
The well-attended event was facilitated by staff from the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL)and Sport NI (SNI).
After presentations by SNI and DCAL staff, attendees debated the various issues in groups, specifically focusing on the questions in the draft Strategy and feeding back views to SNI and DCAL. Discussion was lively and passionate and the SNI/DCAL facilitators expressed themselves well-pleased with the views that emerged.
A summary of those views is to appear on the SNI website in the next week or two. That should provide a useful prompt to submission of your own responses to the Strategy document, bearing in mind that responses to the Strategy document must be received by the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure Sports Branch no later than 9th January 2008. Their e-mail address is .
It is very important that as many as possible respond the Strategy consultation as Governing Bodies, Clubs and individuals as this is your chance to influence the way forward for YOUR sport.
To view the Strategy consultation document please go to
Contact Lyne on E: or T: 028 9038 3825 if you have any questions.
We would like to thank all those who attended and who made this event so worthwhile.