Many thanks to Paddy Wallace for speaking at our recent Sports Law Conference. See below a message from Paddy following the Conference.
Please ‘save the date’ for my annual fundraiser for Autism taking place on Thursday 10th December 2015 at Titanic Belfast.
After the hugely successful dinner last December my wife Tina and I have formed our own ‘Fund for Autism’.
We hope that with your support we can continue our work. We have done a great deal of research this year and we hope to have the opportunity to explain to those who attend the dinner, what our plans are for next year. We are also very proud to be made patrons for Autism Initiatives, who will play a vital support role in our upcoming projects.
Prices for tables of 10 range from £1000 to £1500 and can be booked using the link at the bottom of this email.
I have attached a video of last years dinner as a reminder of what a great event it was, it promises to be another night to remember.
To book a table please contact
Kindest Regards
Paddy and Tina Wallace