Services > Board Recruitment Programme
Board Recruitment Programme
The Northern Ireland Sports Forum is a voluntary association whose membership consists of 70+ Full Members of Sport and 25+ Associate Members.
Services > Board Recruitment Programme
The Northern Ireland Sports Forum is a voluntary association whose membership consists of 70+ Full Members of Sport and 25+ Associate Members.
In 2019 we launched an exciting initiative aimed at strengthening the boards and committees of our member organisations who include organisations such as Ulster Rugby, Ulster Hockey, IABA, RYANI, Ulster Tennis, NI Commonwealth Games Council and Athletics NI. The recruitment programme is focused on developing a database of individuals who may be interested in joining the board of one of our member organisations.
Check out this video with Archery NI where Chairperson Marc Scott outlines how successful engaging in the programme was from their perspective whilst Eilish Ward who joined Archery NI through the process gives her perspective on how she found engaging in the recruitment programme.
Interested parties are asked to return their Expression of Interest Form which can be found below alongside a cover letter to:
Richard Honeyford, Executive Manager – Email:
or post to – NI Sports Forum, House of Sport, 2A Upper Malone Road, Belfast, BT9 5LA
Applicant’s details will be retained for a period of two years and will be only given to member organisations with the applicants own consent. The database will be managed solely by the NI Sports Forum Executive Manager.