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Governance & Policy

We have lots of resources to help your organisation maximise their potential within your community, from Governance to Child Protection we have it covered.


An online Sports Governance Guide for Northern Ireland, developed by a multi-agency working group, was launched at an All Party Group on Sport and Recreation at Parliament Buildings in November 2017.

The guide is under review to reflect the new Code of Governance 3rd edition for the Voluntary and Community sector, launched in November 2021.

The working group which developed the guide was led by NI Sports Forum and Sport Northern Ireland, is based on the Code for Good Governance for the Voluntary and Community sector. The guide aims to provide organisations with principles, behaviours and case studies of what good governance looks like.

The website also includes a resources section which details further information on key areas of sporting interest such as athlete selection, safeguarding, equality, anti-doping and Community Amateur Sports Club v Charitable Status.

The new Code is available here