Sport NI had previously agreed minimum performance standards with Governing Bodies for 2009; however these standards will need to be revised for 2010. Governing Bodies who have previously agreed 2009 standards should contact their relevant Performance Consultant to agree standards for the 2010 period – these standards must be agreed before Wednesday 14th October 2009 in order to ensure eligibility for the programme.

Those sports that do not have minimum performance standards agreed in respect of the programme should contact their relevant Performance Consultation or any member of the Governing Body Unit at Sport NI on 028 9038 1222 to discuss and agree standards prior to 14th October.

Athletes must meet the minimum performance standard in order to be eligible to make an application. For those athletes who are currently in receipt of an award, Sport NI will also consider the athlete’s performance in 2009 against their agreed key performance indicators in its assessment. For those athletes not currently funded, Sport NI will consider their best performance to date and their potential to progress further at the appropriate standard within their chosen sport/discipline.

The programme will close on Friday 23rd October 2009 and applications should be submitted to Sport Northern Ireland before 4pm.

Further information about the programme is available form any member of the Governing Body Unit at Sport NI. They can be contacted on 028 9038 1222. Guidance notes will be available on the Sport NI website, www.sportni.net, on the week commencing 28th September.

Sports are advised to contact their Performance Consultant as soon as possible to agree performance standards and request an application.

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