The Department of Education have launched public consultation for their draft corporate plan.
The draft Corporate Plan proposes a new, simpler, more child-centred vision for the Department, with five new strategic priorities which, for the most part, are guided by its responsibilities under the Programme for Government (PfG) draft Outcomes Framework, the Children and Young People’s Strategy (CYPS), the Consolidated Covid-19 Recovery Plan, A Fair Start, and the New Decade, New Approach (NDNA) agreement. These new strategic priorities also take account of the feedback generated from extensive internal and external engagement to date.
This consultation is available on Citizen Space and will be open from 20 September to 15 November 2022. Your opinion matters in informing the strategic direction, and we would encourage you to participate. Further information on how to participate can be found at
The NI Sports Forum will be reviewing the plan and sharing our thoughts and feedback with the Department of Education. We would encourage as many members and bodies to do so also.
To view the full draft plan click HERE