Management Committee/Trustee Questionnaire
The health & well being of the voluntary & community sector in Northern Ireland is dependent on the volunteers who give time to become Members of Management Committees/Trustees. Their volunteer role is pivotal in providing the leadership and accountability for all of the work and activities undertaken by thousands of organisations. In 2003 it was estimated that some 33,000 volunteers were involved as Management Committee members. It is important that this contribution is recognised, valued and supported. Given the change in charitable legislation, the establishment of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and the many challenges facing organisations and groups across the Voluntary & Community sector it is timely to undertake a comprehensive research project that involves asking Committee Members/Trustees their views.
All Management Committee Members/Trustees are asked to take a little time to complete the survey by clicking on this link, closing date is 5 June
Background to the Project
The VSB Foundation has commissioned Volunteer Now Enterprises Ltd to undertake research into the Governance of the Voluntary & Community Sector in Northern Ireland. Focusing on the role of Management Committees/Trustee Boards the objective is to gain evidence that will inform the sector, funders, policy makers and the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland regarding governance issues that relate to the current and future sustainability of the sector.
The last major study of the governance role of voluntary management committees in Northern Ireland was undertaken in 2003 and it is the intention of the 2015 research to:
- Revisit the 2003 research findings of Committee Matters (an assessment of the characteristics, training needs and governance roles of voluntary management committees in Northern Ireland) and compare with what Governance of the voluntary and community sector looks like in 2015.
- Consider if the needs of and issues facing Management Committee Members/Trustees have changed over the last decade.
The research project will include desk research; creation, dissemination and analysis of a questionnaire; focus groups with key stakeholders; and compilation of final research report. The timescale for the work is January to September 2015. An Advisory Group chaired by John Hunter (Chairperson of Corrymeela) and representation from VSB Foundation, DSD, Charity Commission for NI, NICVA, Developing Governance Group, CO3, University of Ulster, Arts Council, NI Sports Forum, Youth Council NI, Rural Community Network & Fermanagh Trust is providing support to the research project.
Thank you.