IABA seek Workforce Development Officer

This post is National Lottery funded through Sport Northern Ireland’s Sporting Clubs Programme.


To lead on the development and provision of a workforce education and development system within the Irish Athletic Boxing Association (Ulster Branch) including delivering a range of needs led services to support the continuous development of clubs, county boards and the ulster provincial branch within the sport. The role will also focus on providing an annual calendar of learning opportunities, of both a formal and an informal nature. The areas of learning will be across a wide range of disciplines and topics such as;

  • Formal accredited coaching/referee and Judging qualifications
  • Non Formal learning opportunities for coaches, referees and Judges.
  • Generic Training courses
  • Governance training such as; Safeguarding, Health and Safety, committee roles and responsibilities, financial management.
  • Training for clubs, county boards and the Ulster Branch of the IABA in relation to IABA specific policies on; volunteer management, reporting discriminatory behaviour, flags and emblems.

The main focus of the role is to provide a wide range of Learning opportunities to ensure that the boxing community and volunteer workforce is well informed and provided with adequate training to ensure a fit for purpose, modern and skilled workforce within the boxing structures of the IABA, with a specific focus on the Ulster region.

Please Note the closing date is FRIDAY 9TH MARCH 2018 AT 12PM.





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