In light of recent events within Sport NI, Roy Millar, Chairman of NI Sports Forum and Executive Manager Ciaran Kearney met with Brian Henning, Chair of the Sport NI Board recently to ensure that Sport NI’s services would remain unaffected by resignations from the Board and also to offer any support that may be required during this period.
See below a summary of the meeting between Brian, Roy and Ciaran.
Sport NI are working with DCAL to ensure that the delivery of Sport NI’s services and support to its partners and the sector remain unaffected by resignations from the Board. The Interim Chief Executive Arthur Scott is in place. The Chair, Brian is committed ensuring that Sport NI and DCAL can work more collaboratively for the benefit of sport and physical recreation in NI in line with the arm’s length principle.
Investigations into allegations are ongoing and the process for addressing these will conclude in due course.
Recent capital funding programmes announced will not be affected as clear criteria for applications have been outlined therefore the approval process will not be delayed. Likewise other funding programmes for governing bodies such as Performance Focus and Active Clubs will not be affected by recent events.
Sport NI are working with DCAL to ensure that vacant Board positions are filled with suitably skilled individuals as quickly as possible.
NI Sports Forum have as always offered to support Sport NI in any way possible and that the Chair is thankful for the strong relationship that exists between the organisations.
Northern Ireland Sports Forum will provide any further updates for members if and when required.