Statement on Casement Park and Euros 2028
The NI Sports Forum is disappointed with the news that the UK Government has ruled out additional funding for redeveloping Casement Park in time for Euros 2028. This now a missed opportunity for NI to be represented on the global stage with wider impacts for the local economy and sports sector.
It remains paramount that the development of Casement Park proceeds in order to complete on the DfC Stadium Development programme from 2011.
The Active Living Strategy for sport and physical activity in Northern Ireland highlighted how sport would need developed and financially supported over the course of ten years and the draft Programme for Government 2024-27 committed to making progress on the redevelopment of Casement Park and delivering international events.
While the NI Sports Forum acknowledges the ongoing pressures on budgets across departments, we would encourage government to consider solutions that will ensure the long term investment and growth of a sector that contributes so much to the local economy and the health and well-being of society.
Investment in sports infrastructure and grass roots sport is a critical element of both the draft Programme for Government and the Department’s Active Living Strategy.
Increased investment, which has been stagnant for more than 20 years, must be consistent and long term to support the sector and ensure facilities are fit for purpose across all sports.