NICVA is seeking nominations for representatives to sit on a new VCSE Sectoral Advisory Panel being established by the Belfast Community Planning Partnership
The Belfast Community Planning Partnership is seeking to establish a Belfast VCSE Sectoral Advisory Panel as part of a number of measures to strengthen representation and participation of the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in community planning in Belfast.
The Community Planning Partnership has appointed NICVA to undertake an independent selection process to select representatives from Belfast’s VCSE sector to this Panel. NICVA is now inviting organisations and groups working within the VCSE sector in Belfast to nominate persons to be considered for selection to the Panel.
The Purpose of the Sectoral Advisory Panel
The Sectoral Advisory Panel’s purpose will be to:
- Ensure VCSE Sector voices are articulated into the Community Planning process
- Support the development of cross-sectoral relationships and improved partnership working; and
- Promote ongoing and effective community engagement
How to submit a nomination to the Belfast VCSE Sectoral Advisory Panel
Completed nomination forms should be submitted to NICVA no later than the closing date of Friday 31 January 2020.
In considering whether to seek nomination to the Panel, it is important that prospective members read and consider the following additional background information on:
- the Belfast Agenda and the community planning process in Belfast
- the purpose and role of the Sectoral Advisory Panel
- the envisaged roles and responsibilities of Panel members
To nominate a person for the panel, please fill in the online form here. If you require a different format, please contact Siobhan McAlister at
The closing date for nominations is 31 January 2020.
Following this deadline, a Panel comprising a number of Voluntary and Community sector representatives on NICVA’s Executive Board will consider the nominations and information submitted, with the aim of identifying Panel membership that is balanced as far as possible across sectoral interests and themes, s75 groups, geographical spread, and gender. Further information on the selection criteria that will be considered can be found within the nomination form pack available for download from the NICVA website.
Finally, NICVA will provide the Community Planning Partnership with the list of selected Panel members, along with a list of potential reserve candidates who may be invited onto the Panel by the CPP as required.
On completion of this process, nominees who are selected will receive a letter of appointment from the Community Planning Partnership, inviting them to take up membership on the Sectoral Advisory Panel.
Community Planning VCSE Sectoral