Sport and Wellbeing Grants Programme


The Sport and Wellbeing Grant Programme is for sporting and community organisations to promote the positive mental health and wellbeing of residents in the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Area.

Applicants applying for funding from the Sport and Wellbeing Grant Programme will have to demonstrate how their organisation contributes to the engagement and development of mental wellbeing within a sports club or community setting or the positive impact the grant can have
for an individual which links to Council Strategy (2021-25) ‘Healthy and Engaged Communities’ – Citizens and communities are supported to develop improved approaches to health and wellbeing and lifestyle choices.

The Causeway Coast and Glens Sport and Wellbeing Grant Programme is available to local sporting and community organisations. To be eligible for grant-aid, you will have to show that your organisation is a bona fide sports/ community organisation that is well run and that it:

• Has a properly adopted “Governing Document” such as a constitution or memorandum and articles of association which clearly show that it is non-profit making and taking. Evidence that a constitution has been formally adopted must be supplied.

• Organisations must demonstrate that they are well run.. The initiatives in which they are seeking funding for must be inclusive, open to the whole community and adhere to democratic principles.

Council will consider up to 100% funding of total eligible costs up to a maximum of £500


More information can be found here.

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