Earlier in the year Volunteer Now produced a report entitled Mapping Volunteer Involving Organisations in Northern Ireland. The report, funded by the Department for Social Development, provided the biggest ever snapshot of volunteer involvement in Northern Ireland.
The report based on responses by over 1,600 organisations provides information about the kind of organisations involving volunteers and what the volunteers are doing. The report also gives an insight into how volunteers are recruited and supported. To read a copy of the Executive Summary, visit
Part two of the mapping exercise is now underway with the aim to reach a further 3,000 volunteer involving organisations with a special focus on volunteering in sporting organisations. Sporting organisations of all sizes are encouraged to take part. The questionnaire will only take a few minutes to complete. Please follow this link to complete the survey.
Should you require further information about the mapping exercise, please contact: Stephen Bloomer on 90 877777 or email Stephen.bloomer@nicva.org