UK GDPR Essentials Workshop with Vertical Structure

DATE:                26th June
TIME:                1400
DURATION:       2 hrs
PLATFORM:      Zoom


    • Free for NISF Members
    • £20 for non Members


During this two hour course, we will aim to cover the basic GDPR questions such as:

    1.  What are the basic requirements of GDPR?
    2. What rights do people have over their data?
    3. When do you need consent? What breaches do you need to report to the ICO?


Virtual Training course on UK GDPR Essentials.

AIM: Provide a practical and engaging two hour course to cover the basic requirements in GDPR including:

    • What the GDPR is and how it works
    • Definition of personal data, data subjects and data controllers – the key concepts on which data protection is based
    • GDPR basics – summary of the GDPR principles and what practical steps are necessary to comply with their requirements
    • Transparency and privacy notices – what people need to know about how their data is used
    • Subject rights – access, rectification and erasure
    • Risk management and risk control
    • Security measures and what to do if you have a breach
    • Data Protection Impact Assessments
    • Data protection enforcement


Founded in 2006, Vertical Structure is an independent cyber security consultancy with a ‘human-first’ approach.  They are an AWS recognised Consulting Partner with:

    • A detailed knowledge the key concepts and articles regarding GDPR and industry best practice
    • A deep understanding of your business model and the wider industry.


To register, please sign up online:

Closing date for Registration:  Friday 23rd May at 12 noon.

A Zoom Link will be sent to those registered prior to the event.

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