Volunteer Now is a new regional to local organisation which will work to promote, enhance and support volunteering across Northern Ireland. Formed on 1 April 2010 as a result of the merger of nine Volunteer Centres and the Volunteer Development Agency, the new organisation will enhance recognition for the contribution of volunteers, provide greater access to opportunities and increase the number of people getting involved.

One of the main aims of Volunteer Now is to build stronger communities, connect with individuals and organisations and change lives. It will formalise the strong working relationships and shared visions of the merging organisations built over many years and create one integrated infrastructure support organisation.

The newly formed organisation will also combine the economies of being regional with the effectiveness of local delivery and will be in a position to s ignificantly contribute to the Volunteering Strategy for Northern Ireland which is currently being developed.

The objectives going forward are concerned with enhancing and developing the work with volunteers and organisations to provide the best service at a grass roots level in areas where it is most needed.

For more information on volunteering go to www.volunteernow.co.uk

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