On 01 April 2008, Access NI will take over the function of providing police record checks for potential employees, a function currently undertaken by DHSSPS.
The new system will offer the opportunity for organisations to register as Umbrella Bodies and process applications on behalf of other organisations, such as affiliated organisations, member organisations or small groups who may not wish to register themselves.
In order to encourage the registration of Umbrella Bodies, Access NI is offering FREE REGISTRATION to Umbrella Bodies in the “not-for-profit” sector who register no later than 29th February 2008 – see link at http://www.accessni.gov.uk/index/about-ani/latest-news.htm.
Registration after that date will cost Ã,£150.
Further information is available from the Access NI website at http://www.accessni.gov.uk/index.htm or by e-mail to accessni@ani.x.gsi.gov.uk