Developing a Governance and Leadership Framework

Sport NI & NI Sports Forum would like to invite you to the next Governance Network event which will be held from 5pm – 9pm on Tuesday 30th June at the House of Sport.

The session will be facilitated by Sport Northern Ireland supported by the Northern Ireland Sports Forum (NISF) and the ‘theme’ for the evening session presentations being delivered is Developing a Governance and Leadership Framework.

The programme aims to support you in the ongoing development of governance arrangements in your organisation and there will be an opportunity following the presentation to consider the key messages within the context of your own organisation and develop some minimum governance standards to take forward in your sport.

Time Programme Facilitator
 Tuesday 30th June 2015
17.00 Arrival – Tea & Coffee
17.00 – 17.45 Introduction, Governance Survey Feedback and 2015/16 Network Programme Sport NI Governance Team
17.45 – 6.15 Developing a Governance and Leadership Framework NISF
18.15 – 18.45 Break Sandwiches, Tea & Coffee provided by Sport NI
18.45 – 19.45 Group Discussion Facilitated by NISF
19.45 – 20.15 Feedback  

Governing Bodies

20.15 – 20.45 Introduction of Minimum Governance Standards



Sport NI / NISF
21.00 Close

Please confirm attendance with Maxine Banford of Sport NI by emailing by Friday 26th June.

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