The Children and Young People’s Strategy was launched today for formal public consultation and we would like to hear your views. The Strategy seeks to build upon the positive aspects of the previous strategy; considers the key issues facing our children and young people today; and outlines how Government will work collaboratively to improve the well-being of our children and young people.

The Strategy has been developed through a process of co-design which has seen engagement with a wide variety of stakeholders, parents, children and young people to get their views on how it can be best developed to make sure it will be fit for purpose.

The overarching aim of the Strategy is

“Working together to improve the well-being of children and young people living in Northern Ireland, delivering positive long lasting outcomes.”

The Strategy sets out 8 outcomes which support the improvement of well-being of children and young people in Northern Ireland.

You can access the Strategy and associated documents on the Department of Education’s website at:
Easy-read and a young person’s versions of the consultation document are also provided.

The consultation will close at 5pm on 27 February 2017.

Public consultation events will also be held to gather views. More information on these events will be made available on the DE website.

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