Good governance and charity regulation seminar for sports organisations

7 December 2022 

10:00am to 11:30am (Refreshments will be available from 0930.)
House of Sport
This seminar will focus on good governance for sports organisations as well as a reminder of the key regulatory requirements under charity law.

The Developing Governance Group will explain how the Code of Good Governance can be used to help committees of sports organisations achieve a greater understanding of what is expected of them in their governance role.  They will also demonstrate how the recently revised Governance Health Check and DIYcommitteeguide can be used to help implement better governance practice in their organisations.

The Charity Commission will present changes that have been recently made to the annual monitoring return and online registration application as well as giving an overview of where it is at present with regard to its powers and decisions which staff are permitted to make.   The Commission will be reminding sporting organisations (those that meet the definition of charity and which are not CASCs)  on the requirement to register with the Commission.  Serious incident reporting will also be covered as well as highlighting what is new on the horizon for charity regulation.

This is an in person event only.


Developing Governance Group will be represented by Colin Atkinson, Governance Consultant, Sport NI and Richard Honeyford, Executive Manager, Sports Forum NI.

Ann Breslin, Policy Development Manager, Charity Commission for Northern Ireland will present on behalf of the Charity Commission.

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