Leadership Development Programme

The Northern Ireland Sports Forum and the Female Sports Forum are delivering a FREE Leadership Development Programme for representatives from sporting organisations & governing bodies of sport in Northern Ireland. Sporting organisations & NGB should nominate an applicant and endorse their application. The applicant may be a member of staff or a volunteer who is committed to making a positive impact within their sport. Only one application per sporting organisations / NGB may be submitted.

This course will have a set number of places reserved for non-funded sports and also female representatives (non-funded sports can nominate male or female representatives).

The applicant should complete section 1 of the application form and the GB representative should complete section 2.

GB’s with their own leadership programmes are not discouraged to apply, however preference may be given to those organisations who do not have their own leadership programmes. There will be 18 spaces available on this course and candidates will be selected via an application process.

The Leadership Development Programme topics will include:

  • Understanding self
  • Building your strengths – Understanding your network
  • Leading Teams
  • Learning and managing change
  • Resilience for performance; planning my future

Candidates will be required to commit to all sessions and to identify a need for change within their sport/organisation. The candidate will also be expected to undertake a project to make a positive impact. The GB is encouraged to support the candidate to make this positive impact within the sport or organisation during and after the course.

The programme tutor will Jo Hopkins. Find out more about Jo here: www.johopkinsconsulting.com

The course will run over five Sunday’s from November to March. The dates are as follows:
24th November, 8th December, 12th January, 9th February, 15th March The sessions will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belfast. (NOTE Applicants must be available to attend all of the following dates)

Further Information Non-Funded Applicants should contact Ciaran on 028 903 83825 or ciarankearney@nisf.netFemale Sports Forum applicants should contact Amina on 028 903 83825 or amina@nisf.net

All completed application forms should be completed by 5pm on Thursday 7th November and sent to amina@nisf.net

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