NI Sports Forum & Members meeting regarding Road Closures Order

The NI Sports Forum attended a meeting this morning alongside members Athletics NI and Triathlon Ireland with a number of organisations to discuss the Road Closures Order which was recently introduced and has caused difficulties for a number of sporting events. Athletics NI’s David Seaton (Chairperson) and John Allen (General Secretary), Triathlon Ireland CEO Chris Kitchen and NI Sports Forum Executive Manager Ciaran Kearney met with representatives from the Department for Infrastructure, the Police Service of NI and various local authorities to work towards easing the burden for sports organisations and clubs who hold various types of events on roads. All attendees were in agreement that the meeting was very positive with further discussions to take place to ensure the continuation of safe and successful sporting events.

Chris Kitchen (Triathlon Ireland CEO), David Seaton (Athletics NI Chairperson), Ciaran Kearney (NI Sports Forum Executive Manager) John Allen (Athletics NI General Secretary) who were in attendance at today’s meeting at Mid & East Antrim Council.

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