Roy Millar MBE has been re-elected as Chairperson of the Northern Ireland Sports Forum following the 2015 AGM held on Thursday 29th October. Roy will serve his third two year term until 2017. Vice Chairperson Gordon Reid stands down from the role after serving four years. Gordon will remain on the Board and is replaced as Vice Chair by Angela Platt. Angela is the current Executive Manager of Ulster Hockey and is a former International Player in both Hockey and Football. Angela joined Northern Ireland Sports Forum in 2013.
Rosemary McWhinney and Dr. Richard Briggs were also re-elected to the Board and will continue for another two years. They join Richard Johnson (Treasurer), Ken Nixon (Hon. Secretary) and Ashley Hunter who were elected in 2014. Dr. Damian Gallagher and Kelly McVeigh were co-opted onto the Board in March 2015.
Read the Annual Report.