Review of Residential and Outdoor Education – Consultation

The Department of Education’s policy “Priorities for Youth – Improving Young People’s Lives Through Youth Work, 2013” stated that Youth Services should be provided through the development of a Regional Youth Development Plan. In addition a key action within the policy stated that a review of the statutory estate, including the provision of outdoor education, should be completed to identify gaps and potential over provision.

Within the Regional Youth Development Plan 2015/16, a key action stated that a review of Residential and Outdoor Education would be undertaken to ensure the effective use of Outdoor Education Centres and Youth Service resources.

During 2015/16, an extensive review was completed by the Central Management Support Unit (CMSU) of the Education Authority, the final report is provided, entitled ‘Review of Residential and Outdoor Education’.

Strategic and Operational Recommendations
To achieve the strategic and operational recommendations set out in the ‘Review of Residential and Outdoor Education’ an implementation plan has been agreed.

The recommendations in this review will not only enable the EA to meet the expectations of the Priorities for Youth Policy and address issues of over provision but ensure that significant Youth Service resources are deployed in areas of need.  The savings of approximately £1.3m gained from the review will be directed to front line services within local communities based on assessed need.

The Education Authority is now consulting on the recommendations from the Review of Residential and Outdoor Education.  The consultation will close on Monday 6th February 2017 at 4.00pm with all documentation on the review made available through the EA website: 


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