Sport in Northern Ireland is facing a difficult period and it is essential that Sport presents a united voice in the face of any future cuts to funding and that we make our voice heard.
The proposed cuts of £2.5million have potentially far reaching consequences for Northern Ireland’s athletes and teams and for a wide range of participation intiatives which aim to engage more women, older people and those with a disbaility in sporting activities.
Sport contributes on all levels of society in Northern Ireland and we must protect our funding to enable sport to continue making a vital difference to the lives of many people in Northern Ireland
So please show your support by signing our online petition by clicking here, or visiting
Additionally, we are encouraging all those with a vested interest in protecting sport and it’s funding to write to the Minsiter of Finance, Sammy Wilson MLA. If you have not already done so, please click here for a template letter for your guidance.
Thank you for your support!
If you would like anymore information please contact Katie Nixon on 028 9038 3825 or at