SkillsActive, the Sector Skills Council for active leisure and learning is working with Sports Officials UK and several governing bodies of sport to develop a new set of standards for officials at the elite level in sport, which could form qualifications or training at Level 4. This project is due for completion in March 2010.
The project has now progressed to a stage where a draft set of national occupational standards for officiating at the elite level in sport are available. These standards have been developed through input from a steering group of industry experts.
The new standards are:
A. Manage oneself as an official at the elite level in sport
B. Manage the competitive environment as an official at the elite level in sport
C. Manage people whilst officiating at the elite level in sport
D. Manage competition at the elite level in sport
The standards will define best practice for an official at the elite level in sport and can be used in a range of training and employment settings:
• To develop training, courses and qualifications based on competencies required for working as an elite level official
• To support the definition of job roles
• As a basis for identifying and developing routes for progression and professional development
Now they need your help! Through a consultation event on Wednesday 17th February 2010 in central London and an online consultation questionnaire Skills Active are looking for feedback to help to ensure the standards meet the future needs of the officiating sector at the elite level.
There is only one space for a representative for Northern Ireland so if you would like to attend please complete the booking form in the ‘download’ box to confirm your attendance and return your form to Please note that this will be awarded on a ‘first come, first reserver’ basis. The consultation will take place at the Russell Hotel, 1-8 Russell Square, Bloomsbury, London, WC1B 5BE from 11am – 3pm. Lunch will be provided and all travel expenses will be reimbursed.
For those who are unable to attend the consultation event the new draft standards and a feedback questionnaire will be available to view on the SkillsActive website until Friday 26th February 2010. Please follow this link: