Sports Law Conference 2015- Sports Injuries & the Law

The recent high profile incident at Chelsea featuring Jose Mourinho, team doctor Eva Cameiro and their injured player Eden Hazard highlighted a range of issues in the area of Sports Injuries and where responsibilities lie and while we will not have the trio in Belfast on Friday November 6th we will have an outstanding range of speakers for the fourth annual Sport and the Law Conference which will have the overall theme of Sports Injuries and the Law.

The Conference, organized by the Law Society of Northern Ireland in association with the Northern Ireland Sports Forum, will, in addition to the usual comprehensive update, will have prominent speakers in the Medical, Legal and Insurance fields, with Academic and Judicial input, to look at the challenges Lawyers face in advising their clients whether they be Governing Bodies , Clubs. Managers, Coaches and Officials.


Subjects covered will be concussion and general injury management and consequent risks and liabilities and the Conference will draw on the expertise of an experienced panel for concluding questions and discussion.

The date is 6th of November and the Venue is Law Society House with a 9am start, costing £90 and finishes at 1.15pm for lunch and networking, as well as providing 5 General Group Study CPD Hours.

You can book a place by emailing

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