Women in Sport – Live Streaming Fund
The Federation of Irish Sport, funded by Sport Ireland, is partnering with Pundit Arena to bring live women in sport events and activity to life. The newly created ‘Showcase your Sportswomen live’ fund is open to applications from National Governing Bodies to showcase a select women’s sporting event/activity via live streaming and social media support provided by Pundit Arena.
The Federation of Irish Sport hugely values the importance visibility plays in promoting women in sport and encouraging the next generation. As such, we believe that by showcasing the events and activity that are often overlooked we can continue to grow the audience watching and in time, attending women’s sporting events.
We look forward to a year of fantastic female sporting activity from mini marathons to come try it days, to medal finishes and exciting qualifiers as we head towards Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo2020.
Download the application form here and return to sinead.conroy@irishsport.ie
Criteria for application:
- All National Governing Bodies that are members of the Federation of Irish Sport are eligible to apply
- The event/activity must take place on the island of Ireland
- The event/activity must take place within the 2020 calendar year
- The event/activity must be a female only participation event
- The event/activity must take place over one day in one location*
- The event/activity should be something that would not ordinarily be available to watch and/or appear in mainstream media. If applying from a sport that received regular mainstream coverage your application must reflect an area/team/event that does not have access to the organisation’s coverage ordinarily.*should the event run over more than one day any costs associated with this package on the second day must be covered by the NGB. The package and funding provided from this application is limited to one day events.
For further information please contact project lead Sinead Conroy at sinead.conroy@irishsport.ie or on 01 6251155.