The Active Places NI website has been developed by Sport Northern Ireland to provide information on where people can take part in sport and physical activity in their local area or in their chosen sport…
Category Archives: Latest News
Irish Cricket caught the imagination of the public in 2007 with its inspiring performances during the ICC Cricket World Cup in the Caribbean. The momentum carried on throughout the year with matches against India, South…
Sports Minister Edwin Poots, MLA, has announced the public consultation of the draft 10-year Strategy for Sport and Physical Recreation in Northern Ireland. The draft Strategy is the product of two years work undertaken by…
Additionally support for 25 sports was announced under the Women in Sport Programme. €11.47 million supports the core activities of governing bodies covered including administration of the sports, the employment of professional staff, coach development,…
The Ulster Sports Trust will be hosting a table quiz on Wednesday 06 February 2008, 7.30pm at Newforge Country Club (Newforge Lane, Belfast). The tickets are £10 per head with a maximum of 6 per…
In our next SportsWatch we will detail in full the Sports Forum’s upcoming programme of activity, but in the meantime please note the following dates for the diary, contact Lyne to book a place and…
‘DIYCOMMITTEEGUIDE’ gracks the Good Governance Code. The DIY Committee Guide – developed by NICVA in association with the Developing Good Governance Group is a very useful resoucrse for groups to develop their good governance priniciples….
Northern Bank has launched the third round of its Community Grants programme which distributes £100,000 for local community activities across Northern Ireland. Not-for-profit organisations operating at a very local level are eligible to apply for…
Fifteen of the 27 projects assessed by Sport Northern Ireland under the Elite Facilities Capital Programme are to proceed to stage two of the competition. Commenting on Wednesday 05 September, Sports Minister, Edwin Poots MLA…