Sportswatch is our fortnightly ezine which enables our members and the Northern Ireland sporting sector to be kept fully up-to-date with what’s going on in the sporting world both on and off the pitch.Sportswatch boasts…
They’re giving a special training session down at St Brigids in South Belfast’s Musgrave Park, as a way for the club to say a ‘Thank You’ to Lottery players.St Brigids GAC recently celebrated its first…
Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure is looking for dynamic individuals for the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board of Sport NI. The deadline for applications is Friday 28 September 2007, 5pm. Please…
NICVA’s Grant Tracker team wants to hear your views on the four main funding bodies that deliver lottery funding in Northern Ireland. Early feedback suggests Arts Council needs to improve – do you agree and…
Additionally support for 25 sports was announced under the Women in Sport Programme. €11.47 million supports the core activities of governing bodies covered including administration of the sports, the employment of professional staff, coach development,…
‘DIYCOMMITTEEGUIDE’ gracks the Good Governance Code. The DIY Committee Guide – developed by NICVA in association with the Developing Good Governance Group is a very useful resoucrse for groups to develop their good governance priniciples….
SEPTEMBER 2010 04 – 05 SEPTEMBER – Lough Agency Annual Pike Angling Festival – Barnescourt Estate, Netownstewart. For more information contact the Loughs Angency at or visit 16 – 18 SEPTEMBER –…
The Federation of Irish Sport, the NISF’s sister body in the South, has written to politicians to express their concern at the reduction of funding for sport in the Republic and in particular a reduction…
Mary Peters has accepted an invitation to take up the role of Lord Lieutenant of the County Borough of the city. Olympic legend Dame Mary Peters – the hero of the 1972 Games in Munich,…